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Let me create a memory picture for you. Commission a Unique acrylic painting of a scenic landscape that has special memories or meaning for you.


My standard fee is from $CAD 0.80 to $CAD 1.40 per square inch depending upon the complexity. This does not include a frame, tax and freightFor the next 9 commissions I am offering a Special Discount of 30% 


Popular sizes are

8 x 10   (80 square inches)

11 x 14 (154 square inches)

16 x 20 ( 320 square inches) and

18 x 24  (432 square inches) but other sizes are possible.

To order your unique personal commissioned artwork simply e-mail a copy of the picture to me and let me know what size you want and how you would require it to be delivered.


As it is very important to me that I believe that I can do justice to the subject, I will contact you to let you know if it is a one I would be able to tackle, assess the complexity and let you have a quote and an anticipated completion date.


If you wish to commission a painting please let me know by e-mail. A 15% non-refundable deposit is required on placing the order. This can be done by setting up an Interac e-transfer to my e-mail address at your bank.


Once the painting is complete I will send you a soft copy for your approval and will courier or mail the picture on receipt of the balance.

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